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MINI „YUKI“ gel polish  NR.8


MINI YUKI light-reflecting gel polish, applied in 1-2 coats.

Gel polish with shredded foil, for bright designs,

Different colors of gel polishes give a different effect.



LED 60 sec. / UV 2 min. / CCFL 90 sec.

The color of the gel polish in the photo is only a visual aid.

The actual color may vary depending on the monitor or phone screen or general lighting.



1. Remove the old material (if any) with a carbide tip with a red stripe (recommended for practitioners only) or thaw it with cosmetic acetone. Rub the surface of the material with the file 180 / 240gr, moisten a cotton ball or cellulose sheet with acetone, place only on the surface of the material to prevent the liquid from coming into contact with the skin, cover with foil and hold for about 10 minutes. until the substance has thawed. We push the material with a cuticle repellent or an orange stick.

2. File 180 / 240gr is used for nail preparation.

3. Repel the cuticles and perform a hardware or combined manicure.

4. Thoroughly remove dust from the nail surface.

5. Apply to the nail dehydrator, allow the material to evaporate.

6. Cover the surface of the nail with a super bond.

7. Apply a thin layer of nails with a rubber base, rub a small amount of material on the surface of the nail plate and polymerize in an LED lamp for 60 sec.

8. Apply a small amount of material to the surface of the nail without lightly pressing the brush onto the surface of the material, form it by stretching it towards the free edge of the nail and allow the material to distribute and level itself. How much material to put on depends on the type of natural nail plate. We form the material on the surface of one nail by briefly fixing the material in a lamp. After covering all the nails, be sure to polymerize in an LED lamp for 60 sec.

9. If the material is unevenly distributed somewhere, we can grind it a little, form it with a file 180/240 gr. after cleaning the dispersion with a cleanser and a cellulose sheet.

10. When the material is evenly distributed, it can be varnished with gel polish after polymerization. 11. We repel the cuticles to make sure that there is no rubber base running on the cuticles.

12. You can varnish the first layer thinner closer to the cuticles (varnish one nail at a time, fixing it briefly in the lamp, thus preventing the material from running off the cuticles). When we paint all the nails with the first layer, be sure to polymerize in an LED lamp for 30 sec.


13. In the same way as we varnished all the nails before, varnish a second time and polymerize in an LED lamp for 30 sec.

14. Apply the top layer of varnished nails with gel polish, polymerize in an LED lamp for 120 sec.

15. Apply oil on the surface of the cuticles.

MINI „YUKI“ gel polish NR.8

SKU: yukki#8
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